Accessibility Policy

We strive to make our website as accessible and usable as possible. We do this by following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) produced by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C, the web’s governing body).

WCAG is a set of checkpoints and guidelines that help ensure that websites are designed and written properly. For example:

  • Images have alternative text (so if you can’t see the image, you can still read the text).
  • Color contrast between the foreground and background is sufficiently strong.
  • Text will resize according to user preference.
  • Headings are correctly used (they’re not just ordinary text made to look big and bold).
  • Links make sense by themselves (e.g. no links that just say “Click here” or “More…”).
  • Tables are used for laying out tabular information and have proper headings and summaries.

For those familiar with WCAG, we aim for AA compliance across our site. We also look for opportunities to meet AAA compliance.


If you have a problem using our site, please contact us and provide the URL (web address) of the material you tried to access, the problem you experienced, and your contact information. We’ll attempt to provide the information you’re seeking.

Additional Help

If you have any type of disability, we recommend that you visit the FCC Accessibility Clearinghouse and the Access Board website. You’ll find expert advice such as alternative screen readers, screen magnifiers and other devices that can make using a computer easier and more enjoyable.

We also recommend that you visit AbilityNet’s My Computer My Way, which provides advice on making your computer accessible.

Please note that our website may link to, or interface with, third party websites that we may not have control over. These third-party websites may not have undertaken the efforts that we have. We are encouraging them to voluntarily consider providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. This means there are possibly third-party websites that are not accessible and usable. We do not have control over such websites and are not responsible for lack of accessibility.

Last updated October 2, 2022

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